Finance Solutions

Biodiversity is under acute threat in Mongolia, a country with vast landscapes and diverse ecosystems harboring unique flora and fauna.
Biodiversity is under acute threat in Mongolia, a country with vast landscapes and diverse ecosystems harboring unique flora and fauna.
The UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) has supported Mongolia in improving the effectiveness of a law on natural resource user fees. This led to an increase in the budget for environmental protection including biodiversity conservation. In 2023, revenues from the Natural Resource Use Paym...Read more
The approval of the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) for the removal of sustainable forest carbon sets a precedent for Cuba's participation in the carbon bond market, a financing mechanism used in various countries to support environmental policies. As a further step towards protecting Cuba'...Read more
Project Planning Meeting between UNDP/BIOFIN Zambia & the Bank of Zambia (BoZ)
Project Planning Meeting between UNDP/BIOFIN Zambia & the Bank of Zambia (BoZ)
Earlier in 2023, the Bank of Zambia (BOZ), with technical assistance from Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Zambia Country Office undertook proactive measures to jointly develop a concept note for submission to the NDC Partnership Action Fun...Read more
Photo by Tulkin Radjabov
Photo by Tulkin Radjabov
“Combined with the carbon credits the biodiversity credits mechanism can offer an effective win-win solution for socio-economic and environmental development” by Tulkin Radjabov, National Coordinator of the UNDP BIOFIN Project in Uzbekistan Tashkent, July 11, 2023. The adoption of the Kunming-Montre...Read more