This document presents the results addressed in the framework of the alliance between the District Secretary of Environment and the UNDP BIOFIN initiative in Colombia. The information is organized in four chapters: the first describes the conceptual and regulatory framework on payments for water environmental services in Colombia. The second, deals with the technical bases for the environmental zoning of rural areas of special environmental importance in Bogotá as input for the identification of potential areas to be considered in the district program of payment for environmental services. The third, examines the problems and the intervention framework for the implementation of this initiative in the rural areas of Bogotá. Finally, the fourth chapter presents the structure of the program in the rural areas of Bogotá, composed of a socioeconomic analysis, estimation of the incentive value, legal feasibility analysis, determination of the main ecological structure, design of a system of monitoring and evaluation, proposal of the conservation agreement, and the registration of projects with environmental and territorial authorities and operation of the program.
This document is only available in Spanish, as it remains under construction between the District Secretary for the Environment, UNDP, and the beneficiaries.