Improving the model for financial compensation paid by firms encroaching on the environment and biodiversity in Colombia. In Colombia's dry broadleaf forests, unique plants and animals such as the red howler monkey and pig-like peccary find themselves living in ever smaller quarters as development e...Read more
Nature-based finance solutions are emerging across the Latin American region in raising finance critical to conserving and better managing biodiversity. Adriana Dinu, Executive Coordinator UNDP/GEF, joined by experts and officials from Cuba, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemal...Read more
By Julia Queiroz and James Maiden BIOFIN in Colombia is contributing to the growing prominence of biodiversity in government strategies and decision-making through finance solutions that influence policies and interventions for climate change, national development strategies and the ongoing peace bu...Read more
Six new countries joined the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) in early 2014. After wide-ranging national consultations, a number are already using the BIOFIN methodology to build secure financial, institutional and policy bases for action on biodiversity conservation. Guatemala was one of th...Read more