UNDP BIOFIN and UNEP FI launch a new partnership aimed at strengthening support for countries via a Public-Private Community of Practice for Nature and Development Finance, which will engage public and private actors to share thought-leadership and practice on emerging topics and challenges including debt sustainability, debt for nature conversions, the biodiversity credit markets, nature-based solutions, the voluntary carbon market, sustainability-linked bonds and loans, and impact finance. The collaboration includes a webinar series aimed at public officials to help better understand the possible application of private finance to their NBSAP review and implementation. This webinar is aimed at supporting CBD Parties to better understand the possible application of public and private finance to their NBSAP revision and update. BIOFIN and UNEP FI will provide an overview of the partnership and its goals, will introduce the recently released briefing note, and will gather information from the audience about which topics they would like to learn more about and what they would like to gain from this partnership.