Biodiversity Finance

Photo caption: Recovery of Ecosystem Services of Water Regulation in the province of Ayabaca, Region of Piura, Peru 2023. Improvement of equipment and capacities for the production of native forest seedlings
Photo caption: Recovery of Ecosystem Services of Water Regulation in the province of Ayabaca, Region of Piura, Peru 2023. Improvement of equipment and capacities for the production of native forest seedlings
Peru is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. To preserve its natural heritage, which spans from the Andes to the Amazon rainforest, the country is increasingly investing in nature-positive projects. Public financing mechanisms such as "" and "Work for Taxes," along with micr...Read more
Group photo, Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Finance for Latin America and the Caribbean in Argentina
Group photo, Regional Dialogue on Biodiversity Finance for Latin America and the Caribbean in Argentina
Puerto Iguazú, Argentina - 22 August 2024 Experts from across Latin America and the Caribbean have called for decisive action in protecting the region’s biodiversity from the twin global threats of climate change and habitat destruction, which they see as interconnected crises, highlighting how inve...Read more
Photo credit: Amanda Sinclaire, Urupukapuka Island Reserve, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Photo credit: Amanda Sinclaire, Urupukapuka Island Reserve, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
How many of us get to the end of the day feeling tired, and we say to ourselves, ‘I can do that tomorrow’? We’re doing the same thing to global biodiversity – the variety of wildlife on earth. With around 4,000 threatened or endangered species in New Zealand, there is an urgent need for effective in...Read more
On Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 July 2024, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Niger, with financial support from the Kingdom of Belgium, organized a workshop with the overall aim of validating the provisional report of the Biodiversity Funding Needs Assessment (BFI) and launching the...Read more