News and Media June 2021

In the framework of Mexico’s finance solution “Greening the finance sector”, Banxico (Mexico’s Central Bank) presented a webinar called “The role of the central bank for a sustainable development” with the Deputy Governor, Irene Espinosa as keynote speaker. The finance solution “Greening the finance...Read more
by Angelique Ogena, Information and Communications Assistant, BIOFIN Philippines Protected area management officers and stakeholders have just completed the first half of the mentoring and coaching program for protected areas (PA) on the BIOFIN methodology where they aim to develop their very own PA...Read more
Led by its President and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), José F. Santana, and other Vice ministers and directors of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP); the National Office of Statistics and Information; the Central Bank of Cuba; the Ministry of...Read more
This year’s International Day for Biological Diversity puts us at the centre of conservation efforts in the fight to save biodiversity amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s celebration follows the theme “We are part of the Solution for Nature.”Read more